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This is a definite must-have if you are trying to build your own social media presence and brand! I was completely intimidated and pretty much at level zero when it came to Instagram, but this playbook makes everything so easy and understandable. So many times when I was trying to research where to start, I kept finding more conceptual, essay-like information, but not an actual how-to. I wanted to know how am I supposed to do these things? What does it actually look like? With this playbook, you get templates, examples, and a way to organize your own thoughts and goals, that can then be tailored to yourself. But it’s not just about building your own brand, Nicole helps you understand and utilize so all of the tools Instagram has to offer, including many that I didn’t even know existed. I learned much more, even on things I thought that I had a decent grasp on - quite I few times I found myself thinking, “ooooh, that’s why this wasn’t working before”. I would definitely recommend this playbook to anyone who wants to focus, build, and improve their presence. Even for those who feel like ‘you’ve got it’ the playbook provides an opportunity to refocus on what matters! I’m definitely a visual planner type, and Nicole gives you a platform to take what’s in your head, and map it out into something that works!
Sea Shell H.
I first off wanted to say what an amazing job this book was! It was so aesthetically pleasing, easy to follow and a great read! I am a teacher and had never thought about Instagram as more than a social media platform for just me, my personal use or a group one in classroom. I had always used it as " I had a fun day doing this or a look at the work my students did." However after reading your book I now understand the value that personal branding can have but also how powerful of a tool Instagram can be if used properly. I can now use my newfound knowledge about consistency of posting, creative captions and hashtags, building relationships with followers and content creation to build not only an aethetically pleasing page but an informative one that reaches more people with my thoughts, ideas and struggles! Thank you for this wonderful tool that will not only help my personal page but my teacher one as well!
Ashley F.